Intelligent Healthcare

SmartHealth Cluster

About Us

The purpose of the “Smart Health Cluster” Association is planning and carrying out long term services and activities aimed at promoting and developing mechanisms that ensure the status of the regional cluster and the peak of excellence in information technology, especially in the field of health, in order to promote the use of modern technology (e.g. ITC & Software) on a large scale, in medicine.


The Cluster is planning on:

Promoting research

Promoting research and development in various fields of interest for the members of the association, and also innovation in the health field from the viewpoint of information technology;

Supporting the integration of educational offer

Supporting the integration of technological education, following the needs of the business environment in the field of health / medicine and pharmaceutics;

Ensuring collaboration in the fields of research

Ensuring collaboration in the fields of research (both technical and medical) between the university environment, research institutes and companies;

Identifying financial sources

Identifying sources of non-reimbursable financing and developing projects for obtaining funds with non-reimbursable financing, as well as attracting other resources (investments, state aid schemes, etc.) in order to expand the activities of the cluster;

Increasing research capacity

Increasing the capacity of research-development, stimulating cooperation between research-development and innovation institutions and enterprises, as well as increasing access of enterprises to research-development and innovation;

Capitalizing on the potential of IT

Capitalizing on the potential of information and communication technology and its application in the health sector;

Cooperating with strategic partners

Cooperating with strategic partners locally, regionally, nationally and trans-nationally, including public authorities, research centers, competitiveness points, other clusters in the country and abroad;

Increasing competition

Creating the premises for increasing the competition between enterprises in the health sector with the help of information technology, identifying, promoting and supporting initiatives that generate innovative products and services;

Representing and ensuring the visibility of the association

Representing and ensuring the visibility of the association and of the services offered by its members both nationally and internationally;

Developing the cluster network

Developing the cluster network, namely the elaboration and implementation of a strategy for cluster development, at both a national and a European level;

Partnering with other clusters

Forming partnerships in similar areas of work with other clusters in the country and abroad with the same field of activity for the realization of a transfer of expertise and elaboration of common projects of large scale;

Organising training programs

Organising training, qualification and improvement programs (from the MedTech area – medical technology) open to, but without limitation, the specialized staff of the members of the association;

Representing interests

Representing the interests of the technical and/ or health sector in public institutions locally, county-wise and nationally;

Organising events, conferences and fairs

Supporting the organization of events, conferences and fairs with national and international impact in the MedTech sector, in order to connect the members of the Association to the national and global market;

Investment projects

Identifying and promoting investment projects, both public and private, as well as proposals for the innovation/ improvement of health strategies, policies and action plans from the perspective and with the help of information technology;

Research and specialized studies

Carrying out research activities and specialized studies, developing strategies, thematic courses, building databases, systematizing information and ensuring the wide and non- discriminatory access of the members of the Association and the general public to all of these;

Marketing strategies and other marketing activities

Elaborating strategies for marketing and development of activities to promote the projects undertaken by the Association and its members (including communication and marketing of the facilities offered by the ongoing projects, available for use by the members of the Association, development of web pages / portals, etc.);

Promoting the Cluster's image

Promoting the overall image of the Association, strengthening the cooperation between its members and attracting new ones.


The main benefits of being a part of the “Smart Health” cluster:


Project incubation

Actively participating in the incubation of various research projects that intersect the IT industry with the medical one, and developing a framework for the medical sector.


Risk reduction

Sharing some operational risks between all the members of the cluster at the same time, such as the ones involving applying to institutional financing.


Capitalization of resources

Valuing some of the resources (e.g. financial, human, technologies, marketing etc) in order to gain some advantages on the costs side.


Exchange of best practices

Sharing good working practices between the members of the cluster – that will be both Romanian and foreign entities.


Inciting innovation

Stimulating creativity and innovation of the associated members.


Prioritizing European directions

Calibrating the route of taking action (regarding research and innovation) established at a European level, by the Council of the European Union.



Valuing the opportunities granted by the cooperation between many enterprises with various purposes and dispositions (e.g. IT businesses, medical research institutes, universities, consulting businesses, organisations that are working alternative education in the sector of IT etc) that are complementary to keeping independence and their own identity.

Founding Members


Institutul Regional de Gastroenterologie - Hepatologie “Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor” - Cluj-Napoca







Quartz Matrix - Iasi


Honorary Members



Challenge Accepted Hackathon – (the VI edition)

The Informal School of IT’s (a founding member of the Smart Health cluster) dedication to being a part of the solution to everyday problems in our society caused the conception of the Challenge Accepted – Hackathon. In the sixth edition of the event the IT community will face challenges from the following fields:

1. Health (medical and pharmaceutical sectors)

2. The environment and ecology

3. Tourism

IT4Kids in rural areas

The Informal School of IT started the IT4Kids in rural areas project in May, with the aim of improving access to modern education (including distance learning) for rural students, in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic and the inability of children to attend school.

Within the project, BCR and BCR Social Finance IFN SA donated over 300 IT equipment (laptops, tablets, routers, etc.), which were distributed in 15 educational institutions in the counties of Sălaj, Sibiu, Cluj, Iași, Dolj, Constanța and Buzau. All IT equipment collected was sanitized, formatted and equipped with operating systems by Ecotic, A.P.D.E.T.I.C., Ateliere fără frontiere and Smart Health Cluster, project partners.



Pe 2 februarie 2021, la București, se va organiza prima ediție a evenimentului Conferința Națională pentru Digitalizarea Sectorului Medical, eveniment organizat de Asociația Smart Health Cluster împreună cu firma Quartz Matrix.

Prima ediție își propune să aducă în prim plan importanța utilizării transformării digitale și tehnologiilor de securitate cibernetică pentru organizațiile sanitare din România.

Evenimentul adună la un loc lideri mondiali din domeniul securității cibernetice și transformării digitale, personalități importante din domeniul medical, dar și reprezentanți ai instituțiilor de stat: Ministerul Sănătății, Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene sau Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării.

Challenge Accepted Hackathon – (the VI edition)

The Informal School of IT’s (a founding member of the Smart Health cluster) dedication to being a part of the solution to everyday problems in our society caused the conception of the Challenge Accepted – Hackathon. In the sixth edition of the event the IT community will face challenges from the following fields:

1. Health (medical and pharmaceutical sectors)

2. The environment and ecology

3. Tourism


Better Health Care is Our Mission

10 + 6 =


Mun. Craiova, Str. Ion Maiorescu Nr.4, Cladirea PROIECT, Etaj VII, Jud. Dolj, România